Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It

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Photography and cinema are sister arts and this often means that techniques that are born in one of the two disciplines soon pass to the other, as is the case of the Dutch Angle Photography, which although it emerged in the cinema, soon became a technique of photographic composition more.

Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It

If we are talking about the Dutch Angle, you may think that you have never used it, but if I tell you that it basically consists of rotating your camera so that your photographic horizon becomes deliberately dropped , surely you have taken some other photo of this type, right?

Today we will see how to get a Dutch Angle, although you have already seen that it is very simple, and, most importantly, why it is used and what it contributes to our photographs.

So Let's get started and Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It shall we?

What is the Dutch Angle?

Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It

The Dutch Angle consists of forgetting the horizon rule theory , which normally recommends keeping a straight horizon, in order to tilt it significantly through a deliberate turn in your camera, as you can see in the following image.

It is apparent that the horizon is not straight, but rather tilts towards the lower left corner of the photograph. Do you like the result? What is achieved by doing this? Why hasn't the horizon been kept straight as usual? We will try to answer these questions below.

The Why Of The Dutch Angle

On occasions, and you will not deny it, you have made use of the Dutch shot, perhaps without knowing it, because the subject did not fit in the image .

Let me explain: I am sure that you have been in front of a building and since it was so tall and you could not go back further, or use a smaller focal length, or bend down more, nor ... have you turned your camera to take advantage of the diagonal , which as we know it's longer than both sides of the frame, right?

Well, let's be clear, this is far from why , or, at least, not the explanation of why to use this special angle. Although, as we will see, the photographs in which we do this also automatically acquire the characteristics common to all those photographed using the Dutch Angle.

The real reason for the use of the Dutch Angle lies in the role of the diagonals in the composition , which, as you know, offer speed, dynamism, tension to the composition and, furthermore, they are a fantastic guide to guide the gaze through photography .

Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It

In the photo above, it is clearly appreciated how the frame has been rotated to the right side , achieving a greater sense of movement, if possible, on the train and even on the girl who is portrayed in it.

This sensation of movement is provided by the diagonal drawn by the train itself and the white line that delimits the safety position in which to stand and which is reflected in the train's windows.

This shot, if the line drawn by the train were horizontal , or vertical , without a doubt, would have a completely different meaning, hence the importance of the Dutch shot and its meaning in composition.

Some Situations In Which You Can Use The Dutch Angle

Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It

As with all techniques, my recommendation is that from now on do not go crazy using this type of angle , the important thing is to know when its use may be appropriate. Here are some examples:

1. Architecture photography . By having numerous lines, the Dutch angle converts many of them into diagonals, making it possible to give dynamism to something inert such as a building and facilitating the path of the image.

2. Sports photography . Cyclists, motorcyclists, and even runners will greatly benefit from the use of this shot by contributing to a greater sense of movement to the shot.

3. Social photography . The inclusion of people and urban motifs is increased in dynamism thanks to the properties that the Dutch angle provides to the shots.

And, of course, in any type of image in which you want the diagonal lines generated thanks to the rotation of this characteristic angle to help you navigate your image .

As you have seen, there are many situations in which, if you wish, you can take advantage of this curious Dutch Angle. And, of course, also on those occasions when you are looking for a creative touch through the variation of the usual orientation of the horizon.

This was our "Discover What is the Dutch Angle Photography and How and When to Use It" article for you. I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave us your question down below in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

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