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8 Posing Photography Tips For Models And Photographers

Standing in front of the camera for the first time, or in front of the camera in general, can trigger a queasy feeling. Especially when you don't know how to move in front of the camera. You can find some posing photography tips and suggestions in the following article.

The merging of model and location

Closeups (close to the subject) is always nice. "But" if you have a beautiful location, it would be a waste not to also stage it. If you want to incorporate the surroundings as a composition, leave a little more distance and position the model in this scene.

Tips for your photo poses

7 Posing Photography Tips For Models And Photographers

8 posing photography tips for models and photographers

8 posing tips for the shoot

If photographers are asked what they consider particularly difficult or costly in shootings, it is usually the posing. Advice and instructions can be found on the net. What makes a good picture (posing)? Is there a position that enhances every picture and gives it a special expression?

To find new incentives, a book tip for you: Perfect systematic posing by Roberto Valenzuela. Very nicely explained with many practical tips ! Roberto Valenzuela recommends not to learn a lot of posings by heart, but to deal with the human anatomy. The body tension that defines an elegant posture.

Bestselling books on Amazon about poses in front of the camera

The Photographer's Guide to Posing Techniques to Flatter Everyone | 8 Posing Photography Tips
The Photographer's Guide to Posing:
Techniques to Flatter Everyone

Get It From AMAZON

POSE!: 1,000 Poses for Photographers and Models | 8 Posing Photography Tips
POSE!: 1,000 Poses for
Photographers and Models

Get It From AMAZON

Picture Perfect Posing: Practicing the Art of Posing for Photographers and Models | 8 Posing Photography Tips
Picture Perfect Posing:
Practicing the Art of
Posing for Photographers and Models

Get It From AMAZON

1. Body tension for more expression

A very high level of attention should be paid to body tension. An elegant and beautiful pose is particularly effective when there is body tension. The choice of not making the model look artificial or stiff. That's a very fine line. With a little practice, this will gradually become part of your flesh and blood in your shootings.

2. Don't let wrinkles appear in the first place

Turn the upper body and shoulder pointing in the direction of the photographer more in that direction

This will release tension and reduce the wrinkles in the neck region

Or the photographer moves a little more to the side, also an option

Women with long hair can position it so that the neck is covered

3. More grace through flexion

Arms, legs and head look more bent when they are bent. It doesn't matter whether you are standing, sitting or lying down. Try the following time - practicing in front of the mirror has proven itself

Bend hands on hips and elbows slightly

Or put hands in (if available) trouser pockets (back or front)

Tilt your head a little sideways and slightly to one side

Tip your hips forward, focus on one leg

4. No more double chins

Have the photo taken above the eye line or from above. On the one hand, this makes the face a little narrower, but also the double chin is reduced

Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth

Stretch your head slightly forward

5. A lovely smile

There are days when you just don't feel good. There is no specific reason and then it happens, on that very day you have a photo shoot . What you can do to ensure that the pictures are still beautiful:

Think of nice moments, moments or funny situations

Close your eyes for a moment and open them again after about 5-10 seconds. Your eyes will appear fresher and more relaxed afterwards

Find your personal favorite smile. That takes a little practice. Try out which smile you feel most comfortable with

6. Conjure up a smaller nose

To make the nose appear smaller in a picture, face slightly away from the camera and not look directly into the camera

7. For serenity and expression

shortly before releasing, close your eyes shortly before

when opening your eyes shoulders down

Pull your shoulders back slightly so that the shoulder blades come closer together

breathe in easily

Erect your head as if someone were pulling your head up slightly, like on a ribbon

pay attention to the chin

Stretch your head slightly forward (double chin reduces double chin)

Position the model sideways. Frontal can work, but a sideways position is usually the better option

8. Don't be a copy - be yourself

Get inspiration, yes, but copy “no”! It is important to find your own style! There is always a standstill, these plateaus are completely normal - the feeling of not developing further - but with persistence, discipline and love for photography, you will develop yourself further .

First and foremost, you should like your pictures. This love for a picture, a certain situation, a certain expression can carry others away. I also keep looking for a specific expression in my pictures. It's a feeling that I let myself be guided by. I look through the pictures I have taken and when I see individual pictures I think to myself: Yes, that is the expression I was looking for!

Rules are great for orientation, but you are there and you decide if and when they should be broken!

If you're into photography and want to learn from the best. We present to you this complete guide with more than 230,000 successful students with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee: Photography Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Photography

Or if you prefer reading, you can check out the BEST SELLING Photography Book: Digital Photography Complete Course: Learn Everything You Need to Know in 20 Weeks

If you need more posing photography tips you can check out this article:

Or you can simply watch this video:

Those were our "8 Posing Photography Tips For Models And Photographers" for you. We hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave us your question down below in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

9 Reasons Why Every Photographer Should Try HDR Photography

 Almost everyone has heard of HDR photography, but what exactly High Dynamic Range is is not always entirely clear. Today we don't just want to teach you dry HDR theory, we also want to show you why HDR is absolutely worth trying.

HDR makes the impossible possible. It reveals details, brightens shady areas and overcomes the limitations of conventional photography. If you at least have to deal with tricky lighting conditions from time to time, e.g. indoor shots, high-contrast landscapes, urban scenes, etc., test HDR! Just take a series of exposures and then merge them into one image using software like Aurora HDR.

HDR looks great. Sounds great. Feels great. And why should you try it too?

As promised, here are 9 good reasons to do so.

9 Reasons Why Every Photographer Should Try HDR Photography

9 Reasons Why Every Photographer Should Try HDR Photography

HDR is ... fun.

Take any photo or bracketing series and use HDR software to give these photos your personal look. It is incredibly fun to explore the many effects and creative possibilities of image composition until you achieve your perfect result. Like music, HDR photography is also something artistic, something that not only you, but also others enjoy. Take Trey Ratcliff as an example: he has been creating HDR photos for years, travels all over the world and loves to share his experiences with others.

HDR is ... easy.

Taking pictures can be very simple - just press the shutter button. And you can also create your HDR masterpiece with ease! Open a photo or a bracketing series in Aurora HDR and click through the presets to experience your picture in a wide variety of looks. The photo below was taken when Aurora HDR was still in beta. Dima Sytnik achieved his absolute dream result in just 11 minutes.

HDR is ... natural.

mountain river landscape hdr photo | HDR Photography

Do you remember when you took your photos? HDR can take you back to the very moment when your eyes, head and camera captured the scene. As if looking through a window into the past - it is the most realistic and natural representation of your memory. Just like your eyes saw it.

HDR is ... fascinating.

Only HDR photos can reproduce the full beauty of a sunrise or sunset. HDR gives you the artistic freedom to go one step further. HDR lets you rediscover photography. High dynamic range is an integral part of the future of photography.

HDR is ... atmospheric.

Change the mood in the picture with just one click thanks to presets. Try a cold city setting, a dreamy sunset, a colorful fantasy world, or a desaturated, melancholy atmosphere. Take a photo and create the right mood, whether it's a fun meeting with good friends or dark, creepy walls. The specialty of HDR is that you can give the same photo very different moods.

HDR is ... inspiring.

hdr photo purple bridge | HDR Photography

With every newly created HDR, you get better. No matter which look or style you choose now, the next idea is already waiting for you. Use your favorite preset or create a masterpiece from scratch to create the exact look you have in mind and want to share with the world. There are no limits to you!

HDR is ... breathtaking.

With HDR you can create images and scenes that take your breath away. With unbelievable colors and an unimagined wealth of detail, you can capture the greatest experiences of your life and the most beautiful moments with your friends forever.

HDR is ... exciting.

You also want to get to know the wild side of HDR? Go ahead! Experiment with the ghosting reduction tool, brushes & layers, customizable textures, and more. and you get results that you couldn't imagine before. Tip: add a texture for ghostly double exposures!

HDR is ... everlasting.

hdr photo vegetables falling in water | HDR Photography

An HDR image can show more colors, shapes and structures around emotions than would be possible in a normal photo. HDR gives photos that certain something, which is why you want to look at it over and over again. HDR makes the memory of the moment perfect. HDR makes your photography immortal.
If you're into photography and want to learn from the best. We present to you this complete guide with more than 230,000 successful students with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee: Photography Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Photography

Or if you prefer reading, you can check out the BEST SELLING Photography Book: Digital Photography Complete Course: Learn Everything You Need to Know in 20 Weeks

If you need more HDR Photography tips you can check out this article:

Or you can simply watch this video:

Those were our "9 Reasons Why Every Photographer Should Try HDR Photography
" for you. We hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave us your question down below in the comments. We would love to hear from you.